About Me

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Hey guys!! I'm a 21 yr old Beauty and Fashion Blogger and Youtuber..... With an unhealthy love for nail art :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How to Stop Biting and Start Growing Your Nails!!

Hey guys!!!

Firstly apologies, my blog posts are few and far between right now!! I'm so busy and it seems to be dark all the time (depressing)

So a lot of people have been asking me nail related questions particularly on how I stopped biting my nails. 

I was a HORRENDOUS nail biter as you can see in this picture!

Disgusting right???

It takes a LOT to stop biting your nails, I don't want to ramble on and write loads so I am going to link you to my Youtube video where I describe how and why I stopped biting, and how I got my nails healthy.

Hope you like it guys, and I really hope it helps you too :) 

Muchos Love

Amy xo 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Current Wishlist...

Ok, so there are sooooo many things I have been lusting after recently. Unfortunately, my boyfriend has banned me from buying anything for myself in the run up to christmas. Grrrr. I guess this is a good thing though as I'm not spending too much money :)

These are top of my wish list right now. I'm hoping Santa (or my other half dressed up as Santa?) may treat me to some of these beauties!!!

All links will be below!

Quilted Leather Shorts // Essie Winter Collection (not available in UK yet!) // Michael Mercier Brush // Onesie // T Shirt // Stud Boots

I want all these items soooo badly I'll be doing some serious shopping after Christmas!!

What's on your wish list at the moment??

Amy xo

Friday, November 9, 2012

Flamingo Nails!

Hey guys!! Hope you’re all great, sorry it has been a while since my last post, been a busy one recently!!

So not long ago I tried out flamingo nails. I had literally so many comments on these!! I guess its because they’re bright and eye catching....

So I started with a base colour of Essie – Bikini So Teeny, a gorgeous blue that I have been using a lot recently as its soooo pretty. Then I used a dark pink for the main body and neck of the flamingo, then a light pink, black and white for the dealing.
I have put a full video tutorial of this look on my Youtube channel. You can see the video here.

Hope you like it guys, don’t forget to tweet me a pic if you give it a go!!
Amy xo